Moderator Action Logs

Atleast it’s the kind of thing where it’s easy to remedy

Perhaps he earned the ban

glug glug glug

I am personally for keeping von banned from the foru

■■■ stop enabling forum ruiner 2023 challenge (failed the last 4 years)

biggerton assington reactivated von


Tfw you dont get your way one time..

It’s not even a timeout from Vons end it takes about less than a minute to reactivate

Alifhtsoul avoid crying challenge (impossible, Dante must die, uncompletavle)


of all the fucking bird brained idiots
this one is crying about a jones ban
fuck you, actually

It's not abuse -- it's tough love.


I apply minor inconveniences when I am minorly inconvenienced gg noob

1000 years ago you would be the moderator of your village in tanzania

And I’d have sold you mfers for a couple bags of rice with no remorse


Oh and then fucked your wives


Let me be the first in this thread to say that slavery is wrong.

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Let me be the second to say slavery was a choice

And if i were mod of our village 1k years ago, I woulda chosen for all u mfers to be a rice

sir, have you been drinking?

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Lbj so based right now

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