Moderator Action Logs

Jonesbros... we got too cocky and got blacked...



You are so weird dude


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Osiris doesnt even have rhat power

■■■ made Osiris an admin like a month ago
You guys can make up whatever reason makes you happiest for LBJ being demodded but just know it was juicy

Im still not mod even tbough my best forum friend is an admin,


u been asking for it for years now, was it not what u wanted?

He doxxed me

who would bother doing that besides you or jones or nma? or i guess yns..

those two already doxxed me, I dont think yns hates me

what's your point?
yns is stereotypical white supremacist - he hates anyone who disagrees with him, the minute they disagree or say something suggesting his views aren't sound, but otherwise just hates people of color on principle - the principle being that they are "low class" because he's not racist. see: jones

Soooo true

Im a non-white supremacist (italian)

Jones (on the Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk account) got a timeout for some edgy post in the Osiris thread, he is unbanned now.

What does that have to do with hating jcrispy or not

it means given a potential argument you hate anyone enough to dox them
you don't need to hate someone on a personal level so much as the hate you just generally have for people

the only person ive done that to is jones