Moderator Action Logs

■■■ literally just had a foreign mission where he retrieved defected comrades and returned them back into his Leftist Forum Ghetto.

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You're not that guy pal ^


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Jones don't make the thread you've got saved in the Draft. It's been made several times.


The best mod was prb

you are such a moron

you are just like the other idiot, talking about some super contrived shit like ewiz's family wealth as if the idea of family resources isn't the very reason you're breathing air and typing away maniacally about how you have the nicest kitchen here.

saying things other people don't really want to say doesn't mean it's quality stuff. you're not novel and you never will be. you're not strong. the things you do and say are the things weak people do



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Do one for me nyte

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I told you, she's mad because I have better things than her -- it's just resentment wrapped up in idiot fake leftist talking points.

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I type like four words about my kitchen, note in response to some nonsense about me eating peanut butter out of a jar, and it sits with her for days.


not sure how you're missing the very simple and obvious. i'm "arguing" that your crusade is pathetic as fuck because you have said these same things yourself in the last 6 months to a year. just because you may not have said verbatim kys/kill yourself doesn't mean you didn't say something just as direct in different words. that moment when you did stood out pretty starkly, for me. or did you think the 20 times i've referenced you 'saying and doing the things you vilified others for' was about something else?

this is the most braindead boring fucking take

go make up another story about dating a black girl while you post racist rhetoric all over the site and blame whatever bullshit fake breakup you have on me

just really quality stuff going on in your head

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good, do it in your mind and keep it there

To be honest, I read the line about the kitchen as a deflection. It gave me no reason to believe you don't eat peanut butter at the computer, either with bread or solo


As long as you're eating, that's what I care about


I had higher expectations if im being honest