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Want To Say Slurs Online? Truth Social Is That Way.

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Making Your Own Subreddit Is Free --- You Should Try It.

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Host Your Own Lobby.

i think it(censorship) operates through self discipline which is like never happening here

If this were the case then i want jdance and matt and matthew censored too

It wont happen

jdance is an alias, why would it be censored under any circumstances

You're being pedantic.



@SOPHIE please censor matt and matthew. I have concerns about my name being used on the forum

if what were the case?
where you post your name date address and then pictures of every expression you've ever made, your meals, everytime you take a shit, deliver a pizza, buy a new roll of ground beef?

come the fuck on

I dont need to explain myself

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This is rich -- coming from the woman who was sending naked pictures of herself to forum members.

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At least i have faggy

Maybe the glass is half full

For someone that's 6"6 jones sure punches below the waist alot.

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TopRak you Up for Being a Sovereign On The New Forum?

you couldn't possibly explain yourself more than the 100s of pictures documenting your last few years
why are you talking man
like what the fuck compels you to pretend argue this shit and act like you're not actually a cranky bimbo, you know none of it makes actual sense and that you're just complaining about not having it the way you want

I wanted to make a new forum ever since the old Nadota days. I even designed a main page banner for it.

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