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Do you think people typing d a n when everyone knows the forum admins name is d a n and was his username at one point places him in danger?

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He has no argument

Describe it to me.

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Its just weird as fuck autistic behavior

@big_ass help me bro

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Im rallying my bannermen

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It was the face of a bunch of writers like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky in a pyramid with Avril Lavigne at the top. And at the bottom there was a color palette of it. I don,'t really remember.

i think it curbed some shit

but i don't really think it was worthwhile - i didn't make the decision to ban the name.
i just have an idea of why he went that route. at the end of the day epok is admin, like it or not. that's the least of that guy's transgressions as far as i'm concerned.


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If ■■■ could come out and state outright and saliently his philosophy on censored words i wouldnt care. But he just walks around any meaningful communication and its quite frustrating

It comes across as "im too highborne to tell you my reasoning"

Has all this to say when they post shit like this (uncensored, of course) on the forums. Unbelievable.

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the censored words were agreed upon years ago - basically with roragoks push and/or backing

epoks name (and some variations of it) is pretty much the only real thing that would be outside

Insane behavior having images of me ten years later.

Wow with the absent fathers blessing

You just convinced me

ten years later? thats from one of your old accounts HERE

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its not about convincing you... it just simply is what it is
i'm not sure why you would be concerned

Because it is a mild annoyance that the forum admin never explicitly explains nor enforces equally