Moderator Action Logs

I forgot that guy existed tbh

Nyte you see why this guy drives me insane right? He cant even reply to me affirming what you have said

Get your own forum.

i only really remember because of a clip i cant find any more of jigglebilly saying "slithereen like a snake dude"

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He could just say "i dont like it when people use my name' instead he hungry hungry hippos to a new topic.

Guy probably cant even make eye contact with a cat in real life

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If you haven’t caught up on the jiggle arc you should that man’s an odyssey

i haven't if there's been anything recent, last i saw was him doing bible readings

Yeah I guess that’s my understanding at this point but I imagine he’s on some other shit now

jigglebilly hit the wall

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Does he still stream I gotta follow him

rip to my goat

clout chasing behavior observed in the billychugz comment area.

No i was just geniunely trying to interact with him.

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I talked to him on omegle afterwards and we had a laugh. He dissappeared after that.

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fair enough.....fair enough...

Where is big ass to defend me

I'd like to add that the word "retard" is not considered a slur by the general online community and is not censored on most platforms such as twitch, twitter, etc...
Its censorship on this site is, again, just a power fantasy executed by the moderators.


I think we should expand on the banned term list. Add idiot, moron, and imbecile as they were originally used to describe different degrees of censored word based on ranges of IQ.

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And dipshit

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One more request. Change user Tywin's title to "jdance - Dipshit"