Moderator Action Logs

"Just bypass it bro" then why does it exist to begin with

Stand with your pride! Don't be the waste maker

enforces what equally?
his own concerns about being harassed vs basically 10 people who have 0 concerns and maybe a hand full of people who would be concerned but none of their information is known (to most of the other people here)

be me
regular user on small internet forum
forum admin is named ███
███ is a power-hungry tyrant
makes random rules without any explanation
bans people left and right based on his mood
one day, posting a meme is fine
next day, instant ban for same meme
asks ███ why he banned a popular thread
"I don't have to explain myself to you"
everyone lives in fear of getting on ███'s bad side
mods try to keep things fair but are also scared of ███
users start making secret groups to avoid his wrath
someone tries to start a rebellion
███ finds out and bans half the forum
forum slowly dies as more people get banned for no reason
mfw the forum was actually fun before ███ took over

He has no concerns about being harassed and if he does hes on the wrong site and hes a timid little anxious idiot who should take anti anxiety meds

you were playpenned for melting the n word from wide to long format in a mafia thread. don't act like we don't know your sins

Aint nothing wrong with that.


this is what i get for @ing jones in a zog-related thread

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Wow i watch house of the dragon too!

See he just posts this shit instead of explaining outright why he does things

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I shouldnt have to reverse engineer ■■■■ decision making

Actually I used uncouth in a message to ■■■ yesterday completely on a whim and it obviously got shared with him.

i have no knowledge of this message or the script of that one show.

Not aware of any script, but.

Im imaging employing ■■■. Just cant actually communicate with the guy at all. He has to be autistic

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you are full of shit


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Your username was better as div imo

Not my problem. Take it up with slithereen