Moderator Action Logs


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When did f ag get added?

Uncensor f ag please

Because it's the admin's personal info


It’s always been there

No way

All words are made up.

I want to call this person a slur but I don't know who they are. Fuck.

What is β– β– β–  hiding? Jdance is not a real person?

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That was a joke. Im a very real person.

It's "husbant" ~~ what an awful fucking macro. Don't post low quality shit like this anymore.

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David schizo Wallace

He's right. Let's choose the forum religion. I vote Islam.


Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster , or Pastafarianism


Seems like @Vanilla_Town was banned for 4 days. Any explanation?

4 days is an interesting number. Most people get banned for much longer, and it doesn't seem like he broke any rules. I assume the moderator is too much of a coward to ban him for a longer period since he knows that he did nothing wrong.

Was he banned for insulting @theodore? From what I remember that wasn't against the rules in any way.

Not a fun feeling isnt it. Not fun at all.

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Hes in a better place now.