Moderator Action Logs

yeah repeated harassment is a common ban and length is bsaed on severity. sending PMs and bumping random threads to harass randomly some dude (30+yearoldbtw) instead of anything even remotely-arguably good-faith will do that

The correct answer was: because he’s black

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It wasn't a bump, the thread is already at the top. Plus It was the intended use of the livestream sidebar thread.

as a diversity poster he gets a reduced sentence actually

dont you have somethin better to do

I think repeated harassment goes quite unpunished on this forum except when it's one of your "special friends".

I'm productive enough to afford spending a few minutes a day posting on my favorite website.

obviously kyle had an issue with the posts and we handle whenever anyones being an obvious blight and waste of time/space

say it with me ■■■, he was banned because he is a n igger


I'm pretty sure Kyle is the waste of time and space here (self admitted) but who am I to judge...
Hopefully you helped him out with some cash.

you think you’re responding correctly to this situation but I’m the one giving you the correct way to respond to it


Yeah and youre welcome to vent that in a way that can be argued is good-faith, otherwise youre just trying to make that loki57 shit happen again

Just tell him the reason why nmagane was banned for 4 days was because he is a monkey blackie from Africa

No actually I'm just trying to get him to take his fake stories to facebook or something and not waste OUR time and space by making us read it.

nmagane doesnt need a reason when he knows what he did and the fact that hes manipulating someone into wasting time here over such a trife is a lil sad

youre a smart guy and hes got you doing dumb shit tbh

I think they got you doing dumb shit rn

yeah but im enjoying interacting with you even if you cant shelve the racism for a minute

pretty Monkey like behavior if you ask me