Moderator Action Logs

i think you think youre a lot more relevant to these people than you really are


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Not going to get into it here though


The last story is pretty cool tbh. Much cooler than this one

This isnt the time or place

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To get into this kind of stuff

this guy thinks hes a riot...but he wont even play with me on the riot client...

I messaged you about my ban on the riot client but you did not answer.


understandable i was probably paying attention to squabbles like these

So...thats just it for us then?

The only thing you pay attention to, is your own hubris. Unban the egyptian guy


i need the arena boosties...thats the only way i can be convinced...

Unban vanilla_town

Hes on the right side of history no matter the distaste it puts in your mouth

Ok now ■■■ the correct response here is “I don’t unban coons”

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“You’ll just have to wait out that 4 days moon cricket”

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Im with stupid

d an is doing his best and you fucking assholes are upset that he enforces rules that have been established for years.

read the rules
obey the rules
post freely because you didnt break a ruke..

grow the fuck up and just behave yourself.

d an isnt to blame for your friends being total dickheads.

i mean you guys also go back to where i just banned on sight.