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Ouroburos of gaslighting going on here.

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Tell him we don’t allow coonery around here

i can only assume youre here because you enjoy the engagement. which i will take as a compliment. thank you for caring.

Kyle will never be "back", he's only here to drain every last drop of lifeblood from your forum, and you've gaslit yourself into believing that there's any hope of redeeming him.

wrong thats me

im sucking you energetically dry as we speak

im definitely feeling something over here

projection, your honor

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Absolutely crazy if you think that.

im typing gobbledygook and erasing it just to help you edge here. hope its helping!


You can't be seriously in good faith comparing me to someone who comes in every few months to beg for money or shill his stream.

apples and oranges. one might say that you have a lot more tools to be good faith than kyle, and you not using them probably amounts to some condemnation of your image that could even be worse.

atleast thats the easiest justification i can think of for a smart guy like you to be getting fucked with so easily...manipulated into being content for the goychine.

β– β– β–  just type the n word and move on

Now you're actually writing gobletygook

just a lil nyte RP

Me: harassing insom and gamut off the site - its a funny gaff

Nmagane: have words about a lying drug addicted schizo - banned for being african american

I did not realize my privilege until this moment


@insom @Gamut thoughts