Moderator Action Logs

i do

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Not with your track record.


what is my track record?
is it the 100 body count or the fact that i post logs of harassment?

Doxxer, stalker, liferuiner, harasser - evil witch.

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oh, damn.

maybe i will start a band called nytewitch

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Just like Jones posted "mostly things that are not death threats"

For the record, Nma, Dondi, and Nyte are all unbanned because they are trying to expose me specifically and I consider it unfair for me (personally) to moderate them. They have a right to express their opinions about me as a poster or moderator without being retaliated or mod abused.

However all have broken site rules and could be moderated by any of the 9 other moderators without the same concerns over conflicts of interest.

yes your garbage ass belief that even tho he's the one harassing you excuse and excuse and excuse

because you are a manipulative bitch that should never have injected your twisted shit into it in the first place - but you just couldn't help yourself because you have a real problem with me, even tho you pretend that you don't, and that your actions aren't biased or haven't been biased for a long time.

it's fucking sad.
oh everyone is unbanned because you're so benevolent. no you should have never done it all in the first place aside from simply banning jones without needing a fucking explanation. stay reaching

I don't really have a problem with you. Other than when you are posting vitriolic shit at me. But as you were

You could say I mostly don't have any problem with you.

ah yes, it's only when i am posting vitriolic shit... out of the blue... you do no wrong. you are so innocent. unthinkable.

very, very big brained and not shitty narcissistic behavior at all.

I think you also read into things as malicious and offensive due to your personal issues

For example posting "discobot roll1d2" in the tribunal thread. This is such a silly throw-away comment and I really want you to understand it's not made to be mean to you. It's me having fun with the craziness going on on the forum.

I read your post and get how it's frustrating for a moderator to be "having fun" when you're upset and expecting a serious moderator response. So I'm reconsidering those actions.

But at the end of the day this forum exists for people to have fun and be friends. So I really hope we can talk about whatever needs to be talked about so we can all get to that point and not be having big explosive arguments all over the forum. As we look at ourselves and realize we're all in our 30s and have normal adult lives now it feels bizarre to be coming back here and interacting with each other in this way.

Definitely a vested interest in keeping NA politic discussion going during the election cycle

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I get this much though and would use this excuse for my behavior too. I apologize if I underscored it but it’s definitely how I view this place. But I don’t think jones was posting death threats on nadota

Nobody wants that or being threatened with anything in general. Bad vibes and not how a small group of 30 year olds should operate or something to be tolerated. Even as a joke The “potential funny” is so dismally small compared to how negative of an impact it always has on the receiver

this is more of your unbelievable ego, that you think making a joke of something i clearly don't view as a joke still gives you a pass.. just because i tend to hold transgressions differently does not mean that i feel nothing about them. quite the contrary. YOU all have made it a joke. it was never a joke. so when YOU continue to joke about it, expect that you're being actually shitty, and inconsiderate. absolutely. just fucking mind bogglingly shitty and dismissive for your shitty ass laughs. and yes, as a "moderator" it looks extra fucking gross. and as the person whom you are in relation to me, it just gets worse. it's not fucking rocket science to get to you being outrageously uncaring and inconsiderate in these matters.

you want a pass? you don't get one. you want things to be more friendly and funny? stop being shitty.

your jokes might be funny if you did the right thing, the obvious things, right off the bat. you're in such denial about having a problem with me that you can't even see how fucking jaded you are with the whole thing.

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Moderator Chat Logs thread when

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The locker rooms as we call em

I would like to reapply the ban. It might not be in the best interest of the site metrics when we have less active users than digits on our hands and feet but it’s probably in the best interest of the people involved and on the site.