Moderator Action Logs

This bitch really trippin y’all

Reapply the ban on who exactly? Jones is already banned. Are you approving this back channel PM behavior?
Are you really also too much of a coward to do what obviously needs to be done, what many people already agreed was the right thing to do?
What do you have to lose by de-modding him? It's not like he's going to leave the site, at least you'll help him drop the reddit persona character.

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He's like a puppy being eaten by Haitians he's so innocent

This is just an obvious case of someone who so desperately wants to be like me, Benny, and to some extent Jones, and failing to understand what really makes us cool.
A genuine complete lack of social skill exacerbated by @SOPHIE letting him be a moderator so he can "le epic troll" the users for more activity.

Get a grip Dan - you're only doing yourself a disservice by keeping this shit going. You know very well that he's 99% bad faith roleplaying and it has to be stopped if you want any sort of normal interaction on this site again.

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J-Crispy moderator. That's what we have right now.

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Nobody on the website thinks you're cool. Sorry

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Jones is perma banned - SOPHIE may not be aware.

Here's the attention you ordered.
You can go back to idolizing and kissing our feet now.

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Everybody except you is cool.


Who is Our?

Who is kissing your feet?

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You think because I talk to Jones and treat him like a human being and not a little worm (as I would do for anybody else on the site) that I have some enviousness personality disorder?

Are you so accustomed to being treated like shit that you don't know what basic human interaction looks like?

*spams a post 40 times on the website

*accuses me of attention-seeking for mostly ignoring him and letting him be unbanned to keep bothering me

@SOPHIE Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this.

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Didn't read that one.

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totally unbiased moderator

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Poor alightsoul. Had to see his psycho friend get banned :crying_cat_face:


If you want Epok to do anything, the only way is to make ultimatums like you did for Jones.

NMA mod warning for spamming these posts. One more = silenced

I disagree with this post and consider it rude.

Lbj mod warning for being rude.