Monkey pox

god forbid I say something mean to yns

he’s a really nice guy :pleading_face:

he just fantasizes about taking millions of people’s rights away and committing political violence :pleading_face: not that that’s a big deal or anything :pleading_face:

I find that as I Garner experience I'm just less excited to jump into something as I generally know the associated drawbacks and tend to stay wary of flags. But that doesn't mean that I can't bond just as closely with the next's just not going to happen often


I do agree that people should learn to stick things out and change over having sexual prospects rotating in and out of their life. But I don't think that we should do what we can as a society or whatever to make that happen

First off, #plasma second off, you’re gay and a commie, third off, yes

Enjoy the lifetime of mental illness, also why are you using gendered pronouns insom you FACIST. Stop using women and use womyn


Folx of color


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i want to hit you in the head with a rock :slightly_smiling_face:

why are you mad at me calling you a fascist when you basically admit it’s true

did it just never occur to you until now? did you never reflect on the fact there’s endless groups of people you want to oppress or exterminate


wow dude you posted triggered sjw image #2 thats so epic dude

what an incredible gotcha

i have never seen that before

haha its funny because thats me

everybody who hates fascists is like the picture xD

BASH THE FASH are you gonna be posting on the local antifa Facebook group tonight insom we should organize a meet up to harass some white fascists going to the grocery store without donating to BLM

wow a real /pol/ classic from like 2018 very sick my dude

haha trans people are dumb and gay!!!! god is real!!!! WOOOOO LETS GO