Monkey pox

There were an estimated 135,755 rapes (revised definition) reported to law enforcement in 2017.

Results: The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age

5% of 135,755 is 6,787

619,591 Abortions in a year for 2018

A bit higher than 1% if you assume every rape pregnancy is aborted (unlikely)

10% casualty rate, 10% abortion rate - what's the difference? And remember, the choice of this individual woman, as previously established in another thread, is a butterfly effect result of hundreds of years of societal shifting and development. Nobody truly chooses to be in the position they're in.
It's really at this point better for a child to be sacrificed than to be put up for adoption by gay couples. A sacrifice for a greater future, it doesn't matter what the kid actually wants - consider it a draft, like you said.

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Hundreds of millions of rape babies

yeah thatā€™s not saying what you think it does

thatā€™s not strengthening your position at all

Think about the hundreds of millions of rape babies YNS!!

no, I said hundreds of millions of people who have to live in fear of having rape babies

man you sure can own me when you type shit I literally did not say

Yeah yns and notjones misread stuff on purpose a lot.

Are you saying every woman in North America now has to worry about carrying rape babies to term

I mustā€™ve assumed you were not that stupid

I mean the number is now going to be a lot higher than it was before

Guess that doesnā€™t bother you lol

Women do have to live in fear of getting assaulted every day - imagine being a woman walking at night in the city, a NIGG*R could come out at any second and RAPE YOU.

Hundreds of millions huh

It's not a joke, dont react with pepe kek faces


You know this just leaves it up to states right

many of which will ban abortion

itā€™s not an insignificant amount of people that will be affected by this

Every woman in North America now has to worry about rape babies because a state they donā€™t live in will make abortion illegal

What if they just donā€™t worry about carrying rape babies to term

then thereā€™s the fact a state that does not support poor people is going to force mothers to give birth to children they cannot support, who will have terrible lives

What if people donā€™t just sit around assuming the worst possible things will happen to them at any time