Monkey pox

Very good idea

the vast majority of people don’t consider it “killing children”

you’re just arrogant and think your opinion matters more? or what

like you guys have enough problems with left and right wing people hating each other, this is only going to make things worse

on every level it’s bafflingly stupid

These children being killed, they are the front line warriors dying every day for a better America. They're going to heaven anyway so who cares.

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You should honestly wish that you were aborted, free ticket to heaven without having to go through all the struggle of this mortal plane.


Killing anyone is wrong however I think there is a difference between a baby or child who is unable to make any choice for themself. An adult sent to war, even if we assume a draft (against their will) has

  1. The choice to refuse the draft and deal with the consequences of that choice
  2. Not a guarantee to die, in fact they will likely live as even World War I (worst war for % casualty) had a 10% casualty rate.
  3. Are fighting on behalf of a state government, not being executed based on the choice of an individual woman

like how can you be all giddy and excited about 5 out of touch old dudes ramming through something wildly unpopular and taking away millions of peoples’ freedom

The vast majority of people thinking something does not make it correct in any sense. Explain to me how it is not killing children

and what about rape babies?

Leave them at a fire station if you don’t love them

But bringing up rape babies doesn’t even make sense I’m sure that accounts for such an insignificant amount of babies being aborted

Another Gotcha! From insom, rape and incest babies, good one!

I guess it depends how you feel about democracy and to what extent laws should reflect the opinion of people who live in a country

oh that’s good, “you’re sure”

I’m sure the hundreds of millions of people who now have to worry about carrying rape babies to term feel much better knowing that you think it’s not a significant problem

“Hundreds of millions”

You’re being hyperbolic, how many rapes per year occur in the US and how many of those do you think result in pregnancy

■■■■■■■■ argument

how many home break ins occour per year? why is it even important for being to be able to lock their front door

man I can apply that ridiculous logic to so many things

“women should just not care about the possibility of being raped.”


Insoms the flame y'all the moths

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