Monkey pox

Go leave your homeland for centuries because the federal government imposes economic policies on you that are completely inadequate to deal with reality. You shouldn't be able to express this dissent or put forth any argument as to the nature of the issues in where you actually live. Go move to Poland.

Damn, now you know how millions of people feel hearing that shit from right wing midwits their entire life

Wanna live somewhere with legal abortions? just move lol

Your kid is trans and you live in Arkansas? just move ■■■■■■ groomer

the core issue is you can't move. IT'S CODIFIED AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL.

I am likely going to leave this state for economic reasons in like 3-4 months.

Hmm maybe your ideals just don’t align with the USA

There are so many regressive anti-liberal countries to move to, should be no problem for you

Good luck!

Not gonna read and putting my phone away

It's hilarious, you're a dumb libtard moron in Canada (no US citizenship) basically telling me I have no right or say as to what should happen in the country that I have citizenship in.

Please tell me what "liberal" idea that is fro you dude.

You're just some stupid fuck in Canada where "American politics" is some recreation/power activity for you. LMAO

i mean

Well it sounds like your personal values do not align with the USA in 2022

and re: hiring a certain % of locals, isn’t that just to prevent companies setting up in cheap areas, bringing in out of state hires and gentrifying the fuck out of it, basically ruining things for everybody who lives there

No, my personal values align with basically everyone where I live because we actually have to deal with the problem!

And no, it's not "percentage of locals", the EEOC will investigate every hiring decision you make over years and guarantee that the percentage of workers through all levels (entry-level up to board) maintain the specific race and gender demographics of the population that is being sourced.

That sounds a bit dated, but you do understand why it exists yes? At one point that was necessary

If people hadn’t fought integration kicking and screaming for decades, that law would never have had to have been made

Well if your personal values involve ‘black people are monkeys with inferior dna’ I can assure you that is not the case

You’ve posted pretty much exactly that at some point, were you trolling?

You're a complete moron if you think the educational/intellectual ability of populations are the same.

And you’re a complete moron if you think you’re part of some ‘silent majority’ that thinks black people are inferior

You’re not

May I refer you again to Poland? You would fit in so well there