Monkey pox

Well I am of the belief that parents can teach their children what they want, but I mostly meant that it's covered by media and in the online sphere especially.

Human evolution, in the sense that I mentioned above, is accelerated x100 since the internet's invention. The fittest will survive.

don’t tread on me!!!!!!!

oh shit oh fuck we had a hurricane

can I pwease pwease have 5 billion in federal aid?? :pleading_face:

No, it's more like we have the majority of black people in the United States.

You can have them if you want them?

and you depend on the federal govt to support them

so stop posting cringy gadsden flag states rights nonsense

you’d be nothing without the ‘liberal commie hellholes’ making your country profitable enough to support your welfare state

Why can't self assortment occur independent of the arbitrary laws and rights? I actually don't get this, other than public image I guess?

if we just deport all the black people and ban gay marriage and abolish sex ed and ban abortions our state would be a paradise!!!!

shut the fuck up lmao

clown fuck

put your money where your mouth is and move to Poland

"You'd be nothing without California".

Yeah, I love the fake GDP that Google and Facebook provide. XD

There is significant disinvestment in regards to high technical work where I live solely because to comply with federal regulations, your workforce has to be demographically the same as the population your source from.

didn’t read

shut the fuck up

He's literally trolling you dude lol.

Ahahaha, please come invest in Alabama when the federal government sics the EEOC on you if your factory doesn't have 30% of people who hover around 85 IQ on average.

fucking moron.


If you don’t like it, leave.

Go move to Poland and shut the fuck up.

DETROIT — Japanese auto companies are locating most of their new American plants far from black population centers and are then hiring blacks at rates well below their representation in nearby areas, according to a new study.

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whatever you’re about to post I won’t read it

Think of it this way, a state where that figure is 30% is better than a state where than figure is 35% - therefore more people should self assort to the lower % state, it's natural selection - these numbers only go lower in some states and higher in others, no?

what an own dude, you're just fundamentally stupid.