Movies Thread

what's with the diminutive insectoid posting arc here

we all know you're a rare special breed of human jones

I have reached new heights.

a physical instrument, a paragon of virtue, a bastion against moral degeneracy, and a prodigal genius

make nmagane your best man



Why is russia so bad at wars?

puty was kgb and they hated/distrusted the military so he removed professional soldiers and replaced them with cronies. not having the money for upkeep/maintenance, overestimating their capabilities, ass backwards doctrine on how to deploy assets, intentionally keeping subordinates in the dark, lil bit more corruption sprinkled on top.

never forget denis lapin getting awards for 'courage' and 'heroism' when he turned around at the border but the rest of 1st guards tank regiment went into chernihiv and got totally chewed up and spitted out lmao

Very good. Very. Very good

the pentagon published a report estimating russian kia at twice that of ukraines. i still think casualty rates are close to similar ukraine just has actual medical equipment

those were leaks dude

you right you right publish was the wrong word

apparently the KIA number is a copy paste from the Ukraine MOD. It's not an actual DIA number.

Isnt that expected in offense v defense

(More dead on attacking side)


Ever heard of nromandy?

"We have low confidence in Russian (RUS) And Ukrainian (UKR) attrition rates and inventories because of information gaps, OPSEC and IO efforts, and potential bias in UKR information sharing."

Which team are you rooting for