NADOTA Apology

how do we convince jones’s Dad to put him back in a wilderness program

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is no one angry about this aunt jemima shit?

We need to have a conference call I think. @big_ass Are you willing to help out with this? I’m worried for jones.

He’s already there he just needs

  1. legal precedent because jones is over 18
  2. cash injection (these things are expensive)

If we could start a gofundme that should get the ball rolling

? if i ever was kicked out I’d just go live in the woods

The legal precedent is that we have to prove jones is genuinely mentally ill

I’m not sure how we could possibly do that - his posts are so well-put together here with never a hint of insanity - but I think we could potentially twist it to sell the case

Jones have you been experiencing any odd behavior in your day-to-day life

Perhaps a strange sleep schedule or an odd (manic?) fixation on writing assembly code

(need you guys to start the jones wilderness camp gofundme while I work on this)

no don’t worry his dad is a fairly successful architect he has money

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I’ve started a gofundme to help Jones.

Now we just need to accrue the funds from his dad and assure him it’s for a very good use.

An Architect? What has he built?

A failure of a son

You guys are very insensitive; you don’t realize for the first part of 2018 my initial reaction to depression, sadness, being bothered was to pack my garbage in my backpack and completely fixate on living and dying in the woods.

me and nyte worked on that for the past year and I don’t have those feelings anymore.

OK I’m deleting the thread I was making

Sadly in light of recent events any time someone being trolled claims mental illness it is an immediate red light to any further antagonizing

Can you elaborate about your symptoms though? Would Nyte be a good person to talk to about this?

I know where every soup kitchen, food pantry is in the city; have selected a place in the woods where I can exit through multiple directions.

That is a terrible thing to say


jones is feigning mental illness here he has actually done none of that