NADOTA Apology

in complete seriousness, to the bottom of my heart: I hope he’s not.

he said some really mean things to nmagane

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This is the development we needed before the end of the day


so I’m 100% out of the loop, but why are you posting a recording of someone’s manic episode? It’s for more than shits and giggles right? Apologizes in advance if It turns out that I’m just high roading here.

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jones would you say you are more, or less, insane than our friend loki

no it’s not for more then shits and giggles, he even said in teamspeak “stop talking so i can post it on youtube”

I do research on how mental illness presents itself in online communities.

are you one of the people that you study or

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Do researchers usually talk about how “hilarious” their case studies are? You’ve posted the recording at least 6 times or something

that would pollute the results with unusable data

it’s hilarious how I get grant money to do this

no you don’t

yeah you certainly don’t

not sure how you got that past the ethics board, but I appreciate the response.

I personally think jones needs to be abducted (again) in the middle of the night and taken to a fake boot-camp school to fix his attitude.

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My father will contact your father regarding the details, I think it’s for the best.


just watched SNL and saw Halsey paint out what could only be described as the “mammy archetype” as a depiction of a black woman for black history month, and all I could think was isn’t this racist as fuck?

they literally harped on how great ■■■■■■■ were and then they had their musical guest paint aunt jemima on the floor

fucking morons

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liberals are so fucking stupid