NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

Why don’t you read a book?

sending my fuedal lord a birthday card for he allows me to plow his land for him

Wheres the meme there

No need, communism is bad.

human nature

We all know it, including you retards. Do your parents/employers know your communists? Doubtful that most of you are even employed but still

There are pros and cons. Pros: all the sick people like you get clothing and shelter. The bad news? Your 36 year old heiress fling doesn’t keep her inheritance

why would i want my employers knowing i want the workplace unionized

Why should people who contribute more to society be given the same?

You don’t even have a job shut up

I salted a factory before but I didn’t end up being the one to unionize

I have clothing and shelter and I work full time so idk what you’re talking about

woah peer into that crystal ball there and sniff my ass for me

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Do you think that’s what happens in capitalism?

you’re being annoying right now

Weren’t you just haranguing somebody for their tuition lmao. You and me both know college is a pay-to-play system

oh good thought i was coming off as sincere

Yes, that’s exactly what happens and saying it doesn’t is lying to yourself to justify your strange political belief

There’s absolutely zero merit to getting a degree. Most degrees awarded fall on people who have no need for one: they’re going to work for their parents or family anyways

What is this like 19th century Russia who the fuck actually goes and works for their parents