NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

No, you fucking idiots, you also need to have read non-communist economic theory, which you clearly haven’t either. You need education on both sides before you can form an opinion you dumb fucking ape

Personally I don’t need education on both sides.

glad your gender studies and middle class oppression classes taught you this in college

I didn’t take any gender studies classes. Thanks, try again

I also didn’t take any classes where I read communist theories. I took classes on Hegel, which are probably necessary to grasp it, but the rest of the reading was on my own time

I took a gender studies class once it was pretty good

Funny thing is that in any communist system the first thing most intelligent people would do is immediately implement some sort of capitalism alternative

communism is a retarded ideology that assumes people are one dimensional actors and have no agency and are willing to commit themselves to their own economic class fully
no matter what fucking retarded theory you think you understand real life is not a battle between the haves and the have nots you fucking dolt there is inter class collaboration and benefits
life is not a battle between the 2 fucking economic classes that can only do battle with each other and nothing else benefits can be collected by both sides do you honestly think every rich person would like nothing more than for the lower class to go away? fuck no you dolt both classes are necessary to improve the quality of life for the global community as a whole

Capital is the way the economy indicates value

There’s a reason it’s core to all modern economic theory - it is literally a requirement of a functional society


This is the only book I need to read to know you’re wrong

this is a transparent bait

Just for the record so we all understand that we’re all friends here

I have actually read atlas shrugged and consider it one of the worst books I have ever read

the only way “true” marxism could ever occur is if it became some sort of religion that everyone in a society fully adhered by fearing the wrath of thsi fat fucking german retard himself if they ever defied his teachings, the required behavioral shift would be huge

No it doesn't. Not whatsoever.

And this is why you need to read Hegel first, because you clearly misunderstand the dialectic

Now you're the one positing humans are one dimensional and beholden to some kind of innate nature

agubar u don’t look smart or clever in the slightest here

Anyways back to what I was saying

Communists: Hmm, capital is the tool capitalists use to facilitate the meeting of supply and demand. Let’s remove capital - it’s unfair. Oh, wtf, our supply is not meeting demand!

Does this argument that I have put in italics convince you to abandon your false ways

And this is why you need to read Capital. Capital is not necessary to the functioning of scoiety, labor is. In capitalist societies, labor is seen as a means of generating capital, rather than the reversal, which is one of the fundamental problems Marx deals with

Tell me how you meet supply and demand using labor