NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

There’s tons of models. Centralized planning, decentralized planning through the use of uniond and smaller collectives, etc

Give me just one example in real words

tfw u havent picked up a book since high-school and try to talk about economics, philosophy, and history

Centralized planning aka wait in bread lines for 3 hours no thanks

this thread should be sanitized from these retards

And before you make the argument “but food shortages in the USSR show centralized planning doesn’t work,” most of that was due to poor agricultural theories being implemented and not backed down on when they were shown to be broken

All I know is you have to break ~$1,500,000 worth of income to have you start “losing” money to taxes since you’re relying on them for commute times

And yns beat me to the punch, once again displaying his lack of knowledge on the history of the USSR

Hmm I wonder if this is because the power to plan these economies were given to only a few people with little to no oversight

For the record in the outside world the people who are opposed to communism are the sane and rational ones

It only looks like it’s flipped here because it’s me, agubar, and yns in this thread (three insane people) and ewiz has built an entire life and skillset around pretending to be an expert about any and every subject until people cave to his unending tirades

And that’s not a feature of communism you fucking dolt

I am an expert on this subject you fucking moron

I don’t even know who brought up communism bc trade unionist socialism is way more attainable in our time

Are you though - because you’re preaching communism, which is clearly the wrong ideology

Nice fucking argument with no basis in fact

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everybody just pretend yns and agubar dont exist, doing otherwise adds nothing

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So my roommate is a Russian guy close to his 40s and he told me stories about how his dad would send him to wait in the breadlines for hours and how nobody in the ussr was given a car unless you were very important and other stories and his own words were “the ussr was terrible”

pure communism has never existed
the whole ideology has no basis in fact
huff my farts

I hate to say this, but one of them is a spineless alt account and the other is Agubar