NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

really hope some antifa hero blows up a bunch of confederate knuckle draggers one of these days

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mass killings and shootings should be centered around goldman sachs and the google campus

literal 9th circle of hell shit

Won’t happen - they’re the ones who do them

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They call them the tolerant left, but they sure seem to not like racists and neo nazis :smirk:

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this but general wall street or washington dc

See this would work except the “left” (extremist marxists like you) consider anyone who doesn’t believe in 12 year olds being able to have gender reassignment surgery and doesn’t believe that the white man is keeping blackie down in 2018 is a raycist

I dont wish for anyone to get shot

Kids should be taught JIRA starting in preschool

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anyone else gonna sign up for the reddit secret Santa bullshit and just send out copies of mein kampf?

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“I got mein kämpf… thanks for the gift?”

doesnt sound very cheap

Explain to me how I’m a marxist

Aren’t you one of the posters on this website that self identifies as a communist

No, communism doesn’t go anywhere near far enough

I don’t consider power consolidated above me acceptable.

cough mods

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Uhh so anarcho-communist or something? Sorry they’re all the same to me just different levels of faggotry

Currently anarcho-syndicalist but that may change the more thought experiments I run on a few theoretical abstracts.