NADotA Caucus: Rd 4


Yeah consent and dissolving institutions held together purely by coercion is some real faggy shit

The reality is what you really want is more in line with what I want as well, but the powers that be have twisted the nomenclature and connotation of everything surrounding the very concept of power to hold itself up and bring everything and everyone else down

you sound like some weird college fag

That’s what they’ve conditioned you to feel about anyone who attempts to humanize the lesserbornes.

It’s alright, just be patient. I can feel it coming, there was a dam collecting the flow from Trickle Down Economics but it’s finally about to bust. The decades of corporations erroding our institutions and paying them to take our money and give us less and less for it every year is finally going to pay off!!!


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I hope this is good subreddit for this kind of posts

So I’ve been a white nationalist since my mid-early teens (my parents were really nice, they had nothing to do with it), I can’t pinpoint the moment when it all started but I remember that I started listening to far-right speeches and I realized that I agreed with their message, then I started listening to far-right music (RAC and NSBM), then I started reading far-right online newspapers and just one year ago I adopted the skinhead look (Doc Martens, fly jacket etc), Even here on reddit, I’ve been following communities like r/whitebeauty and r/fashwave . I’m not really open about it irl, I’ve been generally quiet and distant since always.

But recently I made the realization that following the far-right only made me more marginalized, more miserable and It will certainly only cause problems for me in the future (on finding a job, a partener and all that). So I want to change but It’s not that easy, leaving all those beliefs behind. I’m open to questions and suggestions

(PS I need help, not judgement)

hey man its pretty neat that he came to want to change on his own


oh and im sorry to inform you the pulse shooter did not know he was at a gay club

how did he not realize when he busted in there and saw a bunch of fags?

he was a patron there

being gay doesnt make you irrational. being an assault weapon owner does. It’s grown up knife catalog throwing star kids

Such a brave post

The night club shooter story got updated a lot since the first few rounds if media coverage. yall have outdated lore

some big brains prefer reading headlines about old news and then spewing it as truth years later

hows tht a brave post

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its fine to own guns. it’s bizarre to own magpul operator shit and train like a dog doing reloads and play CoD all day. That’s what the shitstink retards from high school are up to atm

i do want a usp match from halflife 2