NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

so is it wrong to own an ar15 or an ak47 just because you like to shoot it?

its bizarre to own one of those and keep it at your house ready to go lmao

if you live in nowheresville its fine, honestly thats the best part about living out in the sticks

if you cant shoot it in your backyard theres no point keeping it in the house.

I agree the whole tacticool shit is gay but still think firing semi automatic rifles are fun

there are a lot of things that are fun that are dumb to pursue

Why can’t you just go to a range?

if you go to a range use the safe there

you are acting like having the hobby of shooting guns is inherently destructive like they aren’t just toys to certain people

it’s inexpensive. They are toys to some people.

So what’s wrong with that as long as you aren’t a dumbass with them

Most gun owners/generic shooting hobby people tend to the dumbass side of things. I have a shotgun for skeet/quail and thats it

Maybe you’re having some confirmation bias because the dumbass ones are the loudest and the majority of gun owners (even those who own semi automatic rifles) are quiet people who don’t go telling everyone about their guns

I don’t really think compact carry/carry weapon owners and everyday carry people are the ones who are quiet

Do you think people with those licenses constitute a majority of gun owners or rather a minority because I’m not exactly positive on the statistics but I would guess that people who open carry or have a CCW are probably less than 10% of people who own guns

Even in those how would you really know? Like the people who follow those licenses as they are intended you would never know are carrying a weapon unless you were very perceptive

Open carry guys are pretty bad though I agree those guys are fags

Open carrys better than the compact carry people. At least they display that they are armed instead of having their gun tucked away

I used to open carry at all times, now I keep it concealed because I live in society

That’s not really a good thing and it makes people uncomfortable I would rather someone conceal carry a pistol in a way that nobody would know unless they actually had to use it (which is what the licenses are intended to be used for)

It’s been awhile but CCW holders are like the least likely to use a weapon can’t rememebr where I read that