NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

can you say the same for women?

But can she give me the deep emotional connection i desire

yang supports single payer medicare for all

i express emotions with my penis

What if there’s no russian conspiracy and yang, being of a younger and more technologically-aware generation, saw and appreciated what happened with the trump campaign and just decided to astroturf 4chan himself in order to get his campaign of the ground

i will vote for yang if i can buy a sex doll or sex slave make it happen yang

What if andrew yang PERSONALLY goes on 4chan every morning tostart “yang gang” meme threads in advance of his upcoming 2020 presidential campaign

If I remember correctly andrew yang is IAAFR’s real first and last name - just saying

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can’t confirm or deny

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wrong thread woops

Ah I didn’t know this it wasn’t mentioned in the bit I saw a week ago. That point is moot then.
Guess my only issue with it is that it is that it doesn’t help the people already on welfare.

It helps them the most. Given the cost of living these days and how currently unskilled laborers have never been farther from the American dream it could mean quite a bit for like new business as unskilled laborers could afford to take a financial risk and open up something that might add quite a bit back.

It would also help mitigate the regular catch 22s poors deal with like the guy who has to drive to work and cant afford to fix his car. doesn’t matter that hes on welfare it wont help fix that problem

4chan is pushing back the yang gang is done for

maybe motn

he will have to have a good showing at the debate

if he can hit the same meme levels as trump he will be unbeatable

imagine if he calls Bernie Sanders and joe Biden a dirty boomer on the DNC debate stage

I want my yang bux

imagine how many Chinese girls I could take out to dinner each month