NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

The video was pretty hard to watch. The literal piles of bodies in the corner was sickening. It was almost as bad as the truck bed decapitation.

The worst part is how all the alt right memers are reacting. They see this dude as a fucking hero and a not a terrorist. Disgusting

Btw there was two separate groups. There was a whole other pair that shot up a different mosque and hospital. One ramed his car covered in gas into some shit and the other guys car was found full of bombs

Holy fuck

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holy shit

Don’t think this is accurate. He had gas bombs in his car you could see he tried to pull them out when he went back to the car.

I think it’s more likely he drove to the 2nd mosque and shot it up

Sorry guys. After putting in 50 hours at the yang campaign I’m boarding a 737 max to fly to the undisclosed Patagonian Soros headquarters and staying there for a week.

You guys are unaware if you think anything will really come of this

Shootings happen all the time and this isn’t even one of the worst ones and isn’t in the US. You feel this one because it’s close. It’s an “internet thing” which you feel personally connected to. You also watched the videos and looked at the thread (inadvisable).

Have your opinions about gun control, mental health and the idiocy of online commenters but don’t buy into the constant crisis narrative

This is really something though

What can I say memes really get me going dude

read the replies the guy won his seat with like 16 votes because the actual winner got disqualified or something

The hospital one was fake but it was two different shooters I believe

you live life on the VERY edge of things lmfao, i dig it. low key woke post.

no still just one guy

Hes going to trial literally tomorrow if im understanding this right. The medias gonna have a fun time with that

When the first plane crashed I felt like a lot of people were glossing over the fact that Lion Air is the only airline I know of with a cow strike on their record and regulalrly overshoots the end of runways and put their planes into mud banks.

Can’t say the same for the latest crash though. I bet the people at the Renton plant are in panic mode right now.

just get rid of jews and none of this would happen

Actually the issue is entirely Boeing’s fault