NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

They decided to put their stupid engines like 6 feet more prowed of the wing

Meh the 737 ng are like that too though they don’t have those massive high bypass turbofans

There’s something to be said for old planes like the MD-80 where if you lost hydraulic pressure to the elevator you could still pull out of a stall as long as you had beefy arms since the yoke is connected to the control tabs via fucking cables

I’m really curious to know what the issue with the software is. I always used to tell people that we have things like DO-178C and that they should be much more terrified of self driving cars that don’t have similar oversight and regulatory standards, but maybe I’m wrong lol

could it just be a mechanical error causing the software to trip out and there not being a clear understanding how to turn off the autopilot or some shit

meh if bernie wins i cant be upset

yangs great but im ready to feel the bern again


I’m voting for Yang.

Doesn’t airhogs work for Boeing?

There was a plane crash in the past where a pitot static tube got clogged because hornets built a nest inside and it was giving erroneous air speed and altitude indications because it could not measure dynamic pressure.

Initially my thought when I heard about the first plane crash was that something similar had happened and that the software in whatever the hell newfangled system that’s trying to automatically correct for a stall (by pitching the nose of the plane down to regain airspeed) was doing so based on incorrect data.

Auto pilot systems don’t correct for this kind of thing, they’re just tools the pilots use to set a course.

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My aunt works for boeing

Small world
