NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

When u trust the plan too much and dont realize bmw is a german car, not an american one.

have u seen modern germany theyre cucked af they dont even have enough freedom of speech to let people display nazi symbols or say anything positive about the nazis



germany truly has lost her Path.

I was born in the wrong generation I wish I was alive during the rise of the nazi party so I could take part in the night of the knives and destroy Jewish businesses around my city with my fellow race

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Sorry I mean night of broken glass but the night of long knives was a good one too

The rioters destroyed 267 synagogues throughout Germany, Austria, and the Sudentenland,[5] and over 7,000 Jewish businesses were either destroyed or damaged.


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Take note yang posting on /pol/ suddenly stopped after the NZ shooting almost like it was being astroturfed but suddenly stopped after realizing they would be associated with people supporting a literal mass shooter

That’s the whole point of you shouldn’t make spaces where lunatics feel like they’re welcome/normal and then actually go do what everyone is talking about.

Oh like nadota?


glad NAdota is here to further affirm my beliefs we should execute all leftists and communists

I’ve become far more radicalized in my beliefs since this whole attack. I’ve been visiting /pol/ multiple times a day reading posts and threads lurking and even visiting websites like to learn about Islam

i just wanna meme yang into the dem nom for the lulz

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Yeah US is the only beacon of freedom right now, and im not sure how long we’ll have that.

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I’m not currently nor have I ever been an employee of the Boeing MEGAcorporation. My expressed opinions are my own and do not reflect the views of the Boeing MEGAcorporation.


Do you know Carol

Hogs works for boingboing

I work for Boeing

I work for Bing