NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

first time i've drank alcohol for like 6 months or something. Was bored

Eugenics and population control can be argued as ugly but necessary for a better society

I think some methods of population control would be less ugly and more beneficial than abortion

Like u give people $5000 if they take Free IUDs For Life

Yeah but that argument lost. We decided after seeing where eugenics leads us it is not a better society.

We can look at when abortions are off the table and on the table and decide what is best for society. I think when you do that it is clear that is it better to allow for abortions.

I dont think you understand the legal rammifications of giving legal personhood to a dependent life if population control is coming to mind like that but idk

What are they

I understand population control is a non sequitur

I just want people to get IUDs

Let us bust with peace of mind

for starters, when one of these persons is threatened by the other, who gets to live?

insha'allah birth control will be widely available and taught to all but the same forces against abortion arent down with that either

I'd consider that an exception but I definitely see it as weighted value of personhood

The moms more of a person for sure

can you see how we just dont have a legal system that allows for a person to be killed for another person?

if we say this is a person and they cannot consent to dying for another person, how can we make that legally okay?

oh now there is a heirarchy of persons under the law? gotta not think pragmatic here. this shit has to be coherent in law or it is dangerous

lawmakers that are anti abortion understand this. that is why their ideal laws dont allow these exceptions. pregnant women become the lesser person.

It's all specific to abortion. I can't think of how it would be extrapolated to anything else or if this is actually the argument prolife people make. I think they care about the life part more than the notion of babby being a person

it literally just happened though. did you not look at the recent laws? for the very reasons I just gave, those exceptions you think are obvious and pragmatic are not included.

Then I am anti new laws

No I don't know what they are