NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

if your point is that it is just icky, then it is pointless. everyone agrees with you. someone that is pro abortion rights would agree with it is disgusting.

My point is that it's the same as killing kiddos and killing kiddos should be illegal because it is atrocious

So it IS a legal discussion. so go back and answer my legal question, or save us the time and read our previous exchange

I don't need to make a legal argument to tell you why killing babbys is bad

Killing babbys is just one of those things that's really really bad u know

cant make this shit up

Should be illegal because of moral stance..not word gobblegook

If something's really really bad it should be illegal :slight_smile:

and as we went over already, the consequences of legislating against abortion creates another moral objection. one that you admitted to before.

so we have these two at odds. what should we do? probably what is best for society, which I think is definitely allowing abortion

Ok kill 80% of babbies at random it would greatly improve the outlook for our species


Take it upon yourself to complete this task

Yeah she definitely is

Killing the less person is still very bad

you cant have it both ways. gotta make a decision. she cant be more of a person under the law and be forced to give birth.

Yes she can

A baby is less of a person than me I can not kill the baby

Actually nevermind I agree with you now

Huber is wrong

Criminalizing abortion is obviously retarded but in the argumentative framework you've set up here:

-an unborn fetus is a person
-a woman is a person

So you're arguing the woman is less of a person because she doesn't have a right to abort the fetus

But really they have the same right: to not be murdered

We should make a legal exception for alightsouls. no due process for alightsouls

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