NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

Have you ever disagreed with me in the last 5 months

Are you fucking gay?

Just trying to save you from this big anime watching buffoon

I like Huber

That is the framework put forward by my opponents. I disagree. I dont think am unborn fetus should have legal personhood.

This guy traveled to japan so he could be a weaboo without anybody noticing

We noticed Hubert.

I hate anime and you know it. slandering me

I don't either

I think abortion is fine and children deserve good lives not just lives

When do I get that Medicaid reefer

I honestly think bringing a child into a world that isnt ready for it is worse than having an abortion

The good life is a lie

then you misunderstood me. I agree it would be dumb and so they should not be persons under the law

Universal birth control is the only answer

Only the most elite of politicians and political influencers deserve the right

Or choose it at random

We just need like 3 more world wars and 90% of the population sterilized and all our problems are solved

One of the world wars has to be with Africa

we have birth rate declines everywhere we will be fine

Not to be involved in american politics talk but saying abortion should be legal for the sake of the children is just retarded.

Any kind of life a child would be content with rather than not being born, adoption benefits the adults, not the children. It's sole purpose is to save the parents from unwanted parenthood, that's it. A "bad life" for a child is not something you can judge or predict, all of that happens after the child is born, you can't play statistics with how the quality of a child's life going to be when the other option is being not being born at all, so yeah, abortion is not for saving children from horrible lives, it's for saving adults from having horrible lives due to unwanted parenthood, and if you think otherwise you're really stupid.

This is what Japanese indoctrination does to you