NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

Met a muslim baker in Algeria that told me she thinks homosexuality is very wrong and that it could wipe out humans. Then I aaked if she would make a gay couple a wedding cake and she said sure why not.


people who put god and religion above the almighty dollar haven’t actually looked at who they elect

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Lol - SJW tears much? Thought this was a centrist forum.

SJW Lefties like @a2pas seem to really hate trump - IMO I don’t really support trump but I think he’s fine.

Glad we have to expend another $1b of government money to a program that does no help to our country. Can't wait for the class action suits and settlements, too.

Why do you care?

Because I had to pay taxes to the government, and now they are cutting checks to sate bigots, not actually do any good for the country.

Do you think normal people are supposed to care about what the government is spending money on? You have to pay the taxes anyway.
None of this has or will ever have an effect on you. It will just change what you see on TV.

You might think I support it but I actually don’t - I just think that you shouldn’t care about it.

It does have an effect on me. There are people getting paid $1m because they are approaching idiots in the government, while those without a voice, in dire need, are getting their benefits cut so management types can line their pockets.

arguing for apathy is pretty stupid imo

Why would you put so much mental energy into politics when you have no effect on it?


That’s not what I want in my government.

Hey dude, I hope your parent’s apartment bloc doesn’t get blown up or anything.

What can you do about it? If you want to make the country better don’t complain about your government,


You just said apathy was the way, but now you’re calling me out for not being an activist on a videogame forum. What the fuck dude

No I said apathy towards politics is the way, not towards everything. It’s very obvious that you have no impact on what is going to happen so stop caring. Focus on what you can do not what the people you see on the tv are doing.

It’s not worth the time of day to read about the latest political news