NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

jdance is funny even if he’s not doing a bit

jdance just does jdance things leave him be

you’ve read the numeta tapwater diaries right?

He isn’t doing a bit, he’s just genuinely a moron but still thinks his opinion matters


I need a good bedtime story

thats fine morons can say very deeply hoenst things too. Like daniel johnston

He won’t even take an IQ test with me

the half of his political posts that are frenetic conspiracy yarns about WaPo or w/e

F r e n e t I k

IQ tests don’t measure anything

oh - those are all true

This is what dumb people believe and I’m not even joking you take the IQ of any man who did anything noteworthy in this world and it’s above average I hate people that spout IQ means nothing that is a genuinely false assertion or else scientists wouldn’t use it to measure things IQ is real and valid and an absolute indicator of success

how do you not read the above psot and chuckle

Iq matters

Iq is a measure of intelligence

I’m going to the gym now because I think it will be empty soon and I’m about to destroy my bladder lining

Agree 110%

I was right - the dude who was in the gym left at the same time I entered.

I’m not sure is a moron