NAMafia Artifact League!

Sorry but I’d like our match to be off stream. Can’t let other players in the tournament get an advantage by looking at my deck and analyzing my playstyle

If she’s still on when I’m done cooking I’ll get on tho. Above post was a meme

All decks are public info

In case you did not know this

Click the cards icon next to people’s names in the matchup tab

I know that’s why I said it was a MEME

OK just wasn’t sure

Lol, imagine seeing a meme and thinking it was real


Paging @big_ass, please report for duty.

Paging @Nyte you think you can just page me when you need something? I thought I told you not to call me on this number any more

So this tourney is draft, 6 matches against random players, draft again, 6 matches against random players, then the final bracket stage?

I thought it was 4 stages

Oh it says 6 rounds though

After losing to sammyboy I think I might lose every game in this tourney. :crying_cat_face:

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i feel like my artifact skill is being insulted here

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The tournament is weird because it autoconfigures some of these settings

I set it to 12 rounds in each swiss (draft stage) on the assumption it would let everyone play everyone, regardless of score

It defaulted down to 6 - probably because it has some setting to only match you against people with similar scores.

I have it set to carry over scores into the next round. I’m concerned it might not even let people play each other in that round because it already has scores for them - might just default to a very short round.

Whatever. We will see what it does and then there is at least a redraft and a bracket stage which is seeded from the Swiss rounds.

So I just realized why I lost so badly. When a Meepo dies, they all die. What I didn’t know was that your opponent gets 5 gold for every single meepo. And Sammy had 5 payday cards on top of that.

And BTW I found this:

if anyone knows who treasure train is please ask them to read the schedule channel xD

@big_ass are you ever going to play your match against nyte? You’re setting a bad example for the other players who won’t play their games.

Kick my opponent his name isn’t even worth mentioning

LBJ are you in this? Who are you? And who is matty too?