NAMafia Artifact League!

Timeline of events:

League starts friday/saturday
Todd PMs saturday asking to play
Rice responds tuesday saying he’s been busy
Rice follows up friday afternoon (last day) asking to play
Todd posts in the chat friday night looking to play

I default the match to draw since both players clearly made an attempt but were not able to find a time to play
I inform everyone that this is what I’m doing with warnings in advance and shit and then do it

Ewiz enters the thread and says my action was unfair

I suggest you invest the effort you’re spending trying to convince me I was wrong to draw your friend’s match last week on instead making sure he plays his match this week so that he doesn’t get defaulted again.

This is where you're wrong. Todd never pm'ed. He posted it in the artifact main chat area, which wasn't being followed by half the game

It’s literally right there in the image above you

I’m not going to respond to you any more on this you can post whatever you want

There’s no conspiracy to rig the game against you or your roommate and my handling of the situation was correct

You are mega toxic to pretty much anything you participate in

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How’s this still a conversation

well Wintermute’s house burned down and they think ewiz fired the arrow

How does an arrow burn a house down?

Fire arrow.

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Have you not met traxex’s hot sister: Xenia? She has fire arrows.

im not reading any of this bullshit but right click messaging someone from a steam group doesnt actually show a notification or anything to whoever you’re messaging. dont do it and expect someone to answer just fucking @ them in the schedule channel so people can see youre trying to schedule lmao


I have real life problems and I might have to forfeit my next round. I think nyte would beat be anyways since I have a meepo and she has several ways to kill them.

EOW is wednesday and warnings will go out monday

If anyone still hasnt played

gonna need someone else to give me a free win so i dont get last place

anybody have Dan added i messaged him on steam but hes been “away” for like 2 days so maybe i just cant msg him or something idk how steam messaging works.


Yeah I can do it tomorrow

if steam messaging is right clicking in group chat it’s really useless and doesn’t give them an unread notification

I’ll ping him in discord :^)

probs gonna have to forfeit my Christmas week matches >_<

If enough people aren’t playing Christmas week we will just pause it :slightly_smiling_face: