NAMafia Artifact League!

Sims 4 is almost done installing – 1:45 left.


Did you not see my yeet? It means I don’t have to explain.


I pushed for a shorter week, but I got really busy with real life stuff, and I can understand how people can’t match up. If I get too busy I will forfeit my next matches but I will keep playing .

Fuck up

Where is the treasure train screenshots?

I don’t have those. I was talking about ricemobile, which he quickly backpedalled on here, in a new channel o the game chat, and on private messages to him

I told my roommate to just respond to him with “shut up, retard”

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So there’s no screenies tho

There are of him trying to contact Todd Howard multiple times. I can get them here, but asoul already has them, hence his backpedal

The screenies just show both of them trying to play and not having time

Then in the message to me Rice says “Hey I understand if you have to kick me from the tournament for not playing my match”

Ewiz presenting this as an appeal to grant him the full match win instead of a draw after the fact is, as usual, disingenuous and dishonest and exists mostly as a proxy to argue with me at any opportunity he can

The sad thing is I feel like I am now directly involved in an ewiz relationship in which ewiz is sabotaging his own reputation by acting like an idiot and the roommate is going to come out of it thinking less of him (which I really, really want to avoid because I feel like, whatever my opinion of ewiz, we totally cross a line when it starts to bleed out into his real-world relationships)

Ultimately I am just hosting the tournament in the correct way

If people’s responses to that and people’s actions around the players they invited themselves end up reflecting negatively on their own reputations then it’s not really on me as long as I keep my hosting as even-handed and consistent as possible

I never said this. The argument is that ricemobile showed he was willing to play and Todd Howard did not

Nope. They show ricemobile dm'ing Todd multiple times over the course of multiple days, and him never responding

Lmao, the first thing my roommate said when he came home from work last night was “the artifact league admin is a fucking retard”


I strongly doubt that.

Nah. He said he saw the message from you and you were clearly “in full damage control mode” and were fucking dumb

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Might want to fix that typo ewiz

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It implies you and him are the retards, NOT Alightsoul

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hey i was suppose to play a match against todd howard, but we weren't able to play our match. i've contacted him couple times and added him on steam but no respose

here's a proof
i know today's the last day, but i'm suppose to go to work soon, so most likely won't be able to play through
just read through the messages in the main chat and i see that he was also trying to reach me
not sure how it'll affect, but if we both get disqualifed for not participating, you can just let him take the win or i can try to play again later today