NAMafia Artifact League!

We will all leave this game and come back in a couple years and it will be sick

It’s just not a game that you grind/want to watch a lot

Lifecoach uploads videos of himself with 2 trees a lycan and a pa and he plays 2 turns and his opponent concedes

I think we should just assume artifact will eventually be like tf2 - hundreds of thousands of players but pretty much nobody wants to watch it

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Round 3 is open

Deadline we are aiming for is Sunday night

If people start to get caught up in Holiday Stuff it’s nbd


axe is still a tier above everyone, lion is still garbo, od is still garbo, cheating death is dead, drow is still good but not as op .. i like the leveling/skill rating concept because it finally gives a reason to want to play the game casually. anyone else, thoughts?

I like the fact that they are willing to nerf op cards. Any card that is so good that you have to have it makes for stale games.

I’ll let everyone know what I think about leveling and skill rating when I actually win a game.

these videos are so much fun

i love that he is ADDING so much EXCITEMENT to his GAME MOVES

Yeah its awful

i dont really watch the videos tho, i just zoom in to the cam and let my body do the rest. what a piece of meat

[9:06 PM]
I’m good now if you are, but you want to try Sunday that’s fine with me.

[9:10 PM]
Krazy Kat:
Lets go now. My deck is so bad

[9:11 PM]
Same, perfect matchup

[9:12 PM]
Krazy Kat:
kill my meeos, win game

[9:12 PM]
sounds like the best deck where’s my meepo

[9:12 PM]
Krazy Kat:
I am ready

[9:13 PM]
getting some ‘connecting to artifact network’ garbage please hold

[9:13 PM]
Krazy Kat:
i can wait

[9:21 PM]
Krazy Kat:

[9:27 PM]
Krazy Kat:

@sammyboy when game?

Be careful with the network stuff

When nyte and I had that it drew one of our games without us playing it

I got my games with Dan’s friend with the Chinese name. He kicked my ass. I really didn’t understand all the game mechanics when I drafted and can’t wait for the next draft.


GG and well played.

Sorry my Steam imploded on itself and kept you waiting so long.

GL next round my boy.

Really enjoying this tournament so far. I can’t wait to get a better draft next time, but it taught me a lot. I hope this game doesn’t die before this tourney ends.

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And if this game does die, I will walk up to the stage and collect my million dollars, because I am the only player left.

oh hey sorry totally forgot, anytime tonight if your still awake or tomorrow (Saturday will work), i have matches and scrims but im sure we can make it work


ok it says you’re in a dota game - after your game i’ll still be here :)

it didn’t actually do anything pre-nerf for me because I forgot I needed a green hero in the lane hehe

It’s not fair that you get matched vs LBJ and Dan (lowest intellects of the forum).