NAMafia Artifact League!

@Pheonix play game?

Sorry I keep forgetting to check steam. I’ll be on a bit later today

I think I might lose every game in this round. I have learned a lot since the start and hope to do better in the next draft.

BTW the latest update is good. I have gone 3-1 in constructed and got 2 free packs. I even won against an Axe Drow deck (the player was so dumb.)

Has anyone listened to the music in the background? There is a section where the singers sound like they are saying “I am a junkie, I am a junkie, I am a junkie, and I really have to go peepee.”

Am I crazy? It really sounds like that to me.

@Pheonix hey u tryna duel cards ?

It’s i am a doggy.


Lifecoach has quit artifact. It’s over.


That’s a 3hr vod

Open it in a different tab if the timestamp doesnt work embedded

Warnings are out and round is ending tonight btw

We have to go fast schedule because valve will close the tournament if P1 (3 more rounds) isn’t complete by the 7th

Let's go

Hope you all are having fun

Round 4 ends on Sunday night

I think I will lose every single game but I might have a chance to win this one.

LOL lost again. Close games. Almost did 60+ damage in one turn, but Annihilation killed 20+ cards in the lane. That feel when you play thunderhide alpha (25 25) and it gets instantly destroyed. :rage:

Wish I could watch replays. I think watching my own replays would help me make less mistakes in the future.

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So I started playing normal constructed with a red/green deck. In the last week I did ok.

But tonight I got terrible opponents. So far I got 3 free packs with several cards to make my red/green deck better and I am about to make a blue/black deck too.

@old_electrowizard_acc I see your guy online and messaging you in the chat

I’m out now. I will be for the rest of the night

well he wants to know when youll be back