NAMafia Artifact League!

Yeah I agree. I asked him to play while he was online and he immediately goes offline.

@SOPHIE Fight me you puxxy.

Dan is not someone that treats people with respect for any reason other than to virtue signal. Not someone that does anything if there’s no benefit to him.


Well said Ted Kaczynski.

Sorry I did not see these and last I saw was Kkat saying he wanted a defloss

I made it a draw and figured that was fair - thought I do agree dan probably could have just played that

So when I defaulted these matches it proceeded early to the draft for the bracket

Not sure why this happens but it did do this when we ran the test tournament - it is probably something to do with the number of players and ability to find matches in the seeding phase

Anyways the draft for bracket is beginning. It will be open for some time. We won’t go ahead without ewiz.

Brackets are the real games and now’s the time to start talking about it if you want to have streams of things, prize pools etc

I think at the very least we should stream the later matches but we have to think about how to do it so it doesn’t become a cheating risk

Exciting times for our first NAMafia Artifact League. Let’s not fuck it up

im so confused by wahts in my deck


It’s due to it not letting two players play twice. I assume it just moves on if it can’t seed up matches that are all unique

who picked my cards

Thought i had a shot for a sec till i remembered wills still in this

He afked through last round so maybe you do have a chance

I forget are you garbage or seeded near me/

I am the top seed and best player in the league.

Anybody play artifact

Been working 60+ hours the past few weeks. Might have to go in tomorrow. So no.

@old_electrowizard_acc can you please draft so that we can move to first matches. @big_ass

No, I cant until late tomorrow night. I made this known last week

I thought it was just the weekend, sorry.

My draft still sux and I will update it in the morning. Fun fact: you can change your draft picks all the way up until the first match starts.
