NAMafia Artifact League!

Bad game

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what is the next videogame we have a 1v1 league of

im thinking of something that is not a card game

namafia 1v1 broodwar ladder

namafia 1v1 cpma ladder

namafia AUto Chess Leaderboard

In the staff forum were organizing video mafia with @anon82208883 and @mimic casting. Its gonna be great well have so many new talented players

Everyones gonna wanna join when they see how pleasant and sportsmanlike all the players are

Auto Chess is the future @SOPHIE


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fight me now

and windjammers

I get mad at my jp keyboardā€™s weird punction mark placement when I play now so I have retired.

my apostrophe is shift+7 for crying out loud

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dan is vs krazy kat

I think that answers the questions I had from people about the matchups

Iā€™m gonna be gone from 6 am Sunday to 6 pm the following Sunday, just fyi

Yep I saw that but of course you understand you will get a defloss if your opponent seems to be active that week

Thanks for giving the heads up though and be assured that this will make very little differenceā€¦ itā€™s minor difference in seeding couple weeks out from bracket

Yeah I assumed that I was just worried bracket started this week

I will forfeit unless @SOPHIE wants to play tonight or tomorrow. I had a very stressful week and I already tested my deck against his and lost.

My apologies to anyone in the Mafia subforum that I might have pissed off last night. I was letting off steam.

Yes, give me the weens.

We could play now if you want to earn it.

Aaaaaand, heā€™s gone.

Donā€™t bother treating him with respect. I think you should get the defwin - according to the leagueā€™s ā€œrulesā€.

krazykat shouild be rewarded for facing his weaknesses head on