NAMafia Artifact League!


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He hasn’t logged on in weeks according to steam.

will4zoo joined the military

In the middle of an Artifact Tournament? That’s fucking rude


Isnt that kid smart why would he do that

think its a pretty good financial decision in many cases for people of all intelligence levels :)

I just assumed wills made of money. Also arent the other armed forces better to join than the Army anyways

Great game valve

Ready when you are

You have to use the scroll wheel to zoom.



matchups from the main menu

Everybody above deepthroat has a bye

I am ready to lose. My deck is poop.

Congrats to nma for the win. He deserved it.

I had a poor deck, and made some bad draft choices, but the first game was a stomp, and the second I needed a lot of lucky draws to win. I kept it even for a while, but then I was left with 6-7 point cards and died before I could even use them.

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I didnt deserve the win artifact sucks it was just rng


I forgot to mention I don’t have much desire to continue the tournament plz kick. Artifact is dead for an expac or two and there’s way more enjoyable games

OK no worries. You are only one loss away from being out (its bracket), do you think you could go in and just concede your matches to LBJ?

This is very true. I heard Garfield himself created the cards for the first expansion, so maybe there is hope for this game.

I think replays, data (like dota has), better tournament mode will be the most needed improvements

Reddit says ranked ladder but many people played dota with no ranked ladder it just had some thing that said “high skill” “very high skill”