NAMafia Artifact League!

I just want more cards. The constructed games that I play are getting stale.

Yeah I’ll do it today or tomorrow

Ranked ladder is def not what’s wrong with the game imo. It’s just a card game. It needs more to it then just the base

Idk i see the potential but valves just so fucking incompetent. They released the game and then just stopped giving a shit after a dismal launch and people started complaining. I get that other revenue streams are probably much more profitable and worth investing your company in but then you shouldnt release your card game in a half assed state when youre not even close to the first on the market and you have no obligation to roll it out since youre a private company anyways.

They’re working on it, i doubt they’ll give up. They just thought it would take off while they worked and it didn’t.

Slower build will be healthier for it in the long run probably. But in the meantime maybe valve can get a little reality check about their actual position in the market. This company hasn’t released a good game since like 2007

Looking forward to meeting you in the grand finals @nyte

Who has played so far

Somebody fill in the brackets

Just bragging about my talentful wins here -

Just showing off

Hm. Well how do you know that Nyte will make it out of the lower bracket?

She’s the best player and smartest person in the lower half.

my bet is on gogey

kittenz is also good and plays more than most of us cause she streamed it

I personally trained Nyte so I know she’s the best

@kittens when u wanna play bb

I can play today around 5/6pm est and ill be streaming/on all night so ill be around. Not so around during the weekend. Pm me on steam today, i have steam mobile if needed ! I dont even remember my deck :wink:

people keep saying it’s all RNG, but i’ve been saying for years there’s a secret algorithm for some cards. maybe it’s intentional, maybe it’s an unintended bug, but it is there. winaxe? living roots? wild growth? lock 1 drops? mana wyrm? plus lots of other BS cards that the opponent always always has.


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