NAMafia Artifact League!

I’m going to use my econ degree and see if i can get a position at a large games company as a guy who works out the most profitable ways to monetize the games system and see if i can push these very redpilled ideas on how to monetize things

6-10pm cst im guessinh

Bump for goodness. I hope Derpa and Nma can both play when I can watch.

Sounds like they agreed to a time for tomorrow in the steam chat. Gotta checm

I could stream it if im not busy

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We could do it even without a stream if people know how to watch in game and chat in the steam chat at the same time. Either way would be cool.

Anybody can watch in game but I figured a stream enables people who are not at their computer/don’t have artifact/are only mildly interested and don’t want to boot the game

I actually need to talk to someone and figure out what we are doing technologically. Probably dan but I’m not sure if dan knows all the answers. PM me on steam when you’re around dan - any others interested in this can PM me or post in that chat channel. I’ll be on throughout the day

They are playing lol

I just started a csgo game

U guys have to watch in game for now i guess

So that was it? It ended not with a bang, but with a whimper.

I really wanted to watch the final games.

Fuck the players for not letting us know when they were playing.

Fuck Valve for not letting us watch the replay.

In any case, I would like to thank Alightsoul for setting up this tournament.

And congrats to the winner.


does anyone still play this game?

Who was it

nma won it all.

Good he deserved it

BTW I designed participation trophies for this tournament and dan is taking forever to add them

O I can do that now but u didnt fuckin provide good assets if I have to crop them for you

Well I asked you 6 times what the image specs needed to be and you just said “well i need the assets” which as far as i can tell is just something people say that doesnt even mean anything

I cropped them exactly as I wanted them cropped (i have an eye for the UX (that’s user experience) but if it needs to be shrunk down or embiggened im sure i would be happy to do that for you

Alright lets take this to the computer while my foods preped

Made the badge. Just gotta remember who was in the tourney or if anyone has a screenshot so I song miss anyon