NAMafia Film Club

well thats good enough for now i think. need to work on different output devices and shit

film school ruined movies for me :(


O u meant with the page

Im at the doc rn but i mean like its just an iframe and we donā€™t seem to want any chat with it rn so im not really sure how I could spruce it up the page much further but ill have a look. Its prolly unnecessary to just throw in some CSS framework tho for sure



Make them wear some identifier, like a star on their coat


Not true

Yes an arm band

Sounds good.

I want chat so I can call all the anime watchers gay

The chat for this is going to be SO bad

i really just want to use twitch then itll be an easy plugin chat without another addon needed and itll just be another iframe

Just iframe this thread

not a movie but im watching ozark rn

its ok

Do we have to login to twitch?

does discourse have a chat room function or something? So we can have our username and accounts

Dont use twitch - canā€™t give your traffic to those bastards

Which is the greater evil

  1. livestreaming anime to all your internet friends
  2. website that endorses things like ā€œIRL Streamingā€ where people just sit in front of their webcam and greet people in a chatroom for 14 hours a day

The first

can we stream something worth watching at least like blade runner or something