I think the Definition of Done for this project is that it collects all the usernames of people that watch the anime and bans them from the site
embed it on the forum
That’s v2
Create a public list of people currently tuned in and put it along the top of every page on the site so we can keep track
Now I need chat and like styleing
Dan do things
Probably a better way to do this tho. Took 3 containers.
What for
The stream is too high quality.
One for streaming too. One for the webpage. One for handling taking a steam to video format.
But I’m sure there’s an easier way. I’m just retarded.
Looks good so far
holy shit good job
really needs a chat, can’t wait to flame these normal people for watching anime
Turn the bitrate down to 100
turn the fps to 5 or something
need to get my autoplay working seems to black screen when loading the next file. prob my source selection in obs is wrong
dunno if theres any sense in using a framework or whatever. but if theres something ur comfortable with can prob make it work. just a really basic nginx alpine box right now.