NAMafia Film Club

What time?


like 930 idk i can do earlier im just gaming

I’ll be driving for a couple hours but I should be able to read the subtitles on the freeway

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That works too

holy yikes dont pls

figured lik e930 watch 2 or 3 eps call it a nyte

unless u all end up hating it then we could watch a plot anime

I drove across the country drunk I got this down to a science



I never seen Beck sounds interesting. Should b free

I wanted to like beck but the Engrish annoyed me a lot when I tried to watch it like over 10 years ago

i actually kind of like it but i can understand that point of view.

aight im prepping etc streams up.


Just got out of the shower
All steamy

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so steaMY

still doin the movie tonight? that mardock scramble one looked good

I’m gonna be at a thing until at least 8…sry