NAMafia Film Club

in my opinion the greatest opening and closing to any movies ever, hauntingly beautiful


watching this, it looks very promising

remake of ‘All Quiet On The Western Front’ with German actors

will post my thoughts later


can confirm absolute banger still got an hour left but even if it's garbage this is real shit

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perfect combination of honoring the original while creating more cinematic pieces we can nowadays

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(if you're into this shit)

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just watched this today. what a movie, what a scene, what an actor

will post long form reviews of Dog Day Afternoon and the new All Quiet on the Western Front movie in the next few days (my first long form reviews!)

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will be atching



rewatching Mindhunter, really didnt appreciate how brilliant it was the first time. Fincher is so damn good


@insom :pop2:

don't rush me

just waiting with anticipation

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posting once again to recommend “Incendies” one of Denis Villenueves first films, and leave you with my favourite quote from the movie

“The mathematics you have studied up until now have sought to provide clear and definitive answers to clear and definitive problems.

Now, you are embarking on a new adventure. You will face unsolvable problems, that will lead to other, equally unsolvable problems. Friends will insist that the object of your toil is futile. You’ll have no way of defending yourself, for the problems will be of mind boggling complexity.

Welcome to pure mathematics, and the realm of solitude.”

Now the movie has nothing to do with math, and the quote is meant to be a metaphor for life and the chaos the characters are experiencing.

I just love that quote, and this movie.


I think I tried to convince KZZ to watch it with me and translate the arabic parts lol

Also Arrival is prob my favorite film I have watched & loved most of the other Villeneuve stuff (major exception being Dune which wasn't really a movie)


couldnt agree more, the ending of Arrival for me was and still is the most I’ve ever been moved by a film

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the idea of surrendering to future pain, and the release and sense of calm it gives both the character and the viewer resonate with me so strongly. There’s a very religious quality to it as well, which I’ve never had as part of my life, and I think that speaks to me also. Some small sense of comfort, the same type that religion can and does provide. something we fundamentally crave and need

that’s my interpretation of it anyway

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Yes and the movie itself is artfully made such that it is a microcosm of the experience the main character is going through - we don't quite understand what is going on and what has happened/is going to happen until we reach the ending, at which point we then have to go through and watch the movie again in order to truly see it clearly, in effect making the same decision to subject ourselves to a variety of human emotions (positive and negative) that she does.

It's a movie about humanity disguised as a movie about aliens. Very brilliant


cyberpunk was a movie about humanity disguised as a movie about robots